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How To Choose a Phone Case

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Do you know a phone case?
A phone case is very important to protect your handphone from damage, but many people still don't know how to choose a phone case. This is the step to choose a good phone case:
  1. First, attention to the function than design. The function of a phone case protects your handphone if dropped or subjected to shock or rough handling. So you must choose the case according to the good material.
  2. Second, attention to the good material. Pay attention to the material and quality of the case is very important. Sometimes, many people choose a phone case because a low price but the quality of material too bad
  3. In the end, choose a phone case with proper ventilation. Why? Because a case with a good ventilation can keep the air circulation and make a good temperature for your handphone

From the procedure above, if you want to buy a phone case, pay attention to the function, choose a good material and choose a phone case with proper ventilation.
So, you must buy a phone case as needed.

(Fitria Icmi Nur Azizah-175410101)