Do you know smratphone? I believe
many people use it, because smartphone support activities in everyday life. In fact people can be uneasy if don’t bring it. Now, in this article
will give you information about 5 things fatal daily habits that can make broke
your smartphone.
- Fact 1 : Using Smartphone On Charger
If you always do it, can make your the battery on the smartphone is leaked, causing the bloated battery and the most
severe that is exploding.
- Fact 2 : Overcharging
Result for overcharging damage to components
on the battery, so if you charging you must remember it.
- Fact 3 : Root Android
The root can make beyond the
limitations on phone, but it is so dangerous because can eliminate guarantee, can be bug, and eror if any wrong with installation.
- Fact 4: Don’t Paying
attention to Application Update
The cause of the fatal cause if not update it that
appears data that can not be read or processed. So it is important to your phone.
- Fact 5 : Put Smartphone on Carelessly
It result broke your phone. If you do it cause blisters on the screen and body of phone.
So you must keep your phone like that don’t using your phone on
charger, don’t overcharging, don’t root android, pliss paying attention to
application update, and pliss attention if you put phone.
(Abanja Nur Alfa Khasanah - 165410197)